Experts in Automotive Services
We've been in business for over 15 years...

Procedures that used to be handled easily with an adjustable wrench and some willing hands now require a myriad of diagnostic equipment, EPA friendly supplies, a savvy mechanic and even an internet connection. Thrifty Auto Parts and Supplies offers the expertise required to service any issue.
Our Customers Trust Us
For all of their automotive needs...

We pride ourselves in the knowledge that we have built a customer base of satisfied customers. Some of our customers have been with us since day 1, and have trusted us with all over their cars over the years.
Proper Maintenance Preserves
and lengthens the life of your car...

Following a proper maintenance schedule is imperative in keeping your car at its best performance. Faithful oil changes and servicing can give your car longevity. In addition to the professional care and maintenance, there are things you can that will keep your car on the road longer.